This is the first steaming event of the Windermere Season. All welcome with or without boat. Boats will congregate at the Windermere Jetty Museum and be on display at the Museum over lunch and the first part of the afternoon. Mid afternoon the boats will steam away accompanying SL Osprey on one of her trips (time tbc). Although this is a free event boats will still be expected to complete a declaration form. Boats can be decorated appropriately but not mandatory.
Depending on numbers interested there may be a pre-season buffet lunch at the Museum. If interested in this please indicate on re
Event type 3
Key to event types
1 - SBA Organised Event (owner's declaration required)
2 - SBA organised participation in 3rd party's event (owner's declaration required)
In event types 1 and 2 the SBA organisers and SBA members are covered by the SBA Liability Insurance;
3 - private meeting of members with or without boats
4 - private, individual participation of members in 3rd party's event
5 - for information only