Nice photo of close up shot of new paddle box cover. Brand new paddle box cover Medway Queen berthed Chatham with her new paddle box cover fitted Uandi Windermere Rally 1998 Uandi Windermere Rally 1998 Entering Amsterdam with saloon boat Petagin in dry dock at Mills Dockyard Long Eaton Trent rally with the usual family crew! Probably first steamer with 360° azimuth propulsion and coarse stability fins SY-Befur clawing her way windward on Windermere Grayling and Befur heading North on Windermere SY-Befur Running south from Ambleside SY-Befur slow progress into the wind! Shot before the new "Luff Hauling Parrel" was fitted, hence the nasty creases in the sail :-( SY-Befur leaving Ferry Nab under steam Steaming S.Y. Persistance in the California Delta Christmas Day, 2018. The very first "York" compound ever made, verified by John York. Slated to be reunited with the original boiler in the orginal boat "Ben My Chree". S.Y. Persistance, California Delta steamboat meet 2019. "Doty" compound in S.Y. Persistance. Leif Larsen's S.L. Ginny L. and S.Y. Persistance, California Delta steamboat meet 2019 2020 livery of BRG to keep ahead of corona! Guinevere 27' Steam Launch - Vonore, Tennessee Hairy steamers aboard Banjo SY Befur (and Louise) on Ullswater. Just launched for first time - sans mast, but not sinking!!! (June 2018) Grayling (& stoker) enjoying the Windermere sun. Grayling and a Happy Captain on Windermere (June17) SL Niad, at Bowness, Windermere 2007 AnnaBelle, Windermere, 2007. Elpenor, Windermere, 2007. Ever seen the lake so calm? Souvenir d'Antan, Windermere, 2006 Mosquito on Windermere, 2006 Oberon, doing about 20 knots, Winderemere 2005 Elpenor moored at the Steamboat Museum, Windermere 2005 Tenacity, moored at the Steamboat Museum, Windermere 2004 Dalmore (as seen on the front of the Funnel). Behind Belle Isle, Winderemere 2003 Sandpiper on Ullswater, 1998 Obsidian 06/06/2018 with Russel Clements and John Maltby Obsidian's first steam 06/06/2018 Aurora on autohelm - Dot Bullough is aboard and probably stoking! Obsidian at Low Wood on Windermere (with Hamish!) Russel & Maureen Clement launching Obsidian at Low Wood on Windermere (with Hamish!) Banjo attempting to hide in plain sight!
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Thames Rally 1985 Hampton 1979-1980 Possibly Tewksbury Early 1980's George Watkins far left and Brian Hillsdon far right. Lock stuffing around 1982 First public trip by Osprey at the Windermere Jetty Opening Day. With Mike Cole on-board representing the SBA! Obsidian at the Windermere Jetty Opening Day Bluebell at the Windermere Jetty Opening Day Calstock Steamboat Rally 2018 Calstock Steamboat Rally 2018 Calstock Steamboat Rally 2018 Calstock Steamboat Rally 2018 Calstock Steamboat Rally 2018 Calstock Steamboat Rally 2018 Calstock Steamboat Rally 2018 Calstock Steamboat Rally 2018 At last, a watertight deck! Ladies in waiting, for the start of the Triple 'B' race 2018 Banjo acted as 'Hospital ship'. No casualties this year. Rendezvous de Erdre.
An evening pic at the start in Nort sur Erdre. Roger and Sue Heise on Etna at the Windermere Boat Parade where they took the prize for the best small boat Lunch Stop - President's Rally 2018 - Loch Ard Ready for Bed - President's Rally 2018, Loch Katrine Family outing on the Thames near Marlow. Steamboats at night on the way back to Dartmouth View from the cockpit of Aurelia on our way back to Dartmouth 2017. Can you guess the engine? Its a Mumford, in Ursula (Windermere, 2007) Hot Pot, Windermere, 2007 Wray Castle, Windermere, 2006 Minnow, finally pulling into Wray Castle, Windermere 2006 Raven and Esperance at the Steamboat Museum, Windermere, 2005 Splijn, on Windermere at Fell Foot 2004, with Edward both aboard and ashore. Mudlark with David Harding, Windermere 2006 Wray Castle, Windermere 2003 Tea and cake on Shamrock, 2003 (Right to Left): Sandpiper, Arlette, Mudlark, Sulvien. Ullswater 1998 Sandpiper and Rockabill with Ian Cross, David Ayres and Grace Maltby. Ullswater 1998 Back in the day before digital cameras, you couldn't review your photos! Ullswater 1998 Tim Ayres looking very young back in Ullswater 1998 Windermere Rally 2018 - Imp heading for the hills Windermere Rally 2018 - Imp northbound in South Basin
Brian Boland from Vermont in conversation with Chris Davies Beale Park 2017 - Careful adjustment Beale Park 2017 - Admiring Glances Beale Park 2017 - Locomobile
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Bolton Steam Museum awaiting the arrival of the SBA winter social mob! Northern Mill Engine Society Museum ready for SBA visitors (November'18)