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   The Steam Boat Association of Great Britain

Miscellaneous  -  Sales & Wants

Information contained in these advertisements is published as received by the editor.  It is the buyer's responsibility to check the accuracy of any details published.   Advertisers wishing to continue their advert should inform us of that and the advert will be left in place. 

If your item sells please let us know so we can remove the advert.

Suggestion for Advertisers : If you can, please send photos as attachments rather than embedded in your email.  The latter will arrive as 100k images which is not too much above a thumbnail.  We love attachments of 2000k each as it allows us to crop and otherwise adjust images to improve the advert.  We do appreciate that this is not always possible.

Adverts last modified: 6th November 2024


Back Issues of Funnel

6th November 2024

SBA history is offered free, but taker must either collect or pay the shipping costs.  The collection weighs 19kg which would cost around £12 to post probably £15 with strong packaging.

The issues available are:

Nos. 46 to 114 in binders

Nos. 115 to 180

Located at Charvil, near Reading

Contact: David Eager, david dot c dot eager at gmail dot com


Keeping a heritage together

2nd september 2024

A non-member, Moray Letham, writes: "About 50 years ago I bought an original 1903 steam launch by Simpson Strickland in Ullapool minus engine and boiler with original name plate 'Swift', (See above)  I bought her from the North of Scotland Hydro Electric Co who had retained the engine and boiler out of interest and sold off the hull. It's a long and rather sad story, but I contracted with them to restore the steel hull, engine and boiler and use it for trips for the public on Loch Faskally at Pitlochry, as they were owners there.

I took the hull to Edinburgh and contacted the body who grant certificates for passenger carrying small boats but at the first meeting I was told 'As long as I am inspector, this boat will never be granted a certificate: she's too old.'

The steel hull was sound but needed some small repairs to make it 'perfect'' but the hull was in the water when I bought it, being used regularly. Eventually after submitting drawings etc, my agent told me they wanted it completely replated with thicker steel, as he said, 'same as a destroyer' so it would sit lower in the water, then probably fail a tipping test' or I would end up with such a low passenger count the project would not be worthwhile. My problem was I had agreed with the Hydro Board to carry passengers with 'Swift' fully certified.

In the meantime the boiler and engine had gone to Leith Nautical college where it had been stripped tested and had passed as potentially operational. The hull was in Robb Caledon shipyard in Edinburgh waiting for a decision, then the government closed the shipyard and as I had no place to store it, it was lost to scrap. A friend who stored all the original teak woodwork, seats etc. told me that somehow all that has been lost too so all I have left of what was a wonderful opportunity for the public, and of course myself, is a selection of bronze pieces in my brother's garage in the Scottish borders.

The photos here show large bronze cleats and fairleads, the boat's wheel - damaged but repairable, complete with the sliding bronze toothed rack to connect the steering wire that ran round the launch. Those parts are in Scotland and the only parts I have with me where I live in Romania are the original iron and brass name plates.

     It occurs to me that someone might be wanting to build a launch in the Simpson Strickland tradition - and I have a binder of drawings and measurements of the hull which might help with such a project. Everything should be sold as one 'lot' as it makes sense to keep all the parts together, the bronze components to be collected from Coldstream, in Scotland, and I can ship the nameplates."

I am thinking of a price for everything of £350. If you're interested, please feel free to contact me:

Moray Letham

imommsl at yahoo dot com


Back Issues of Funnel

15th August 2024

 Member Martin Hann has Funnel Magazines numbers 109 to 200 (except no. 187) looking for a good home.
He also has:

 SBA Members and Boats 2009-2010

Cross Reference Index Funnels 71-113

Quick Reference Index Funnels 114-175

Steamboat Register May 2000

If you would like these, please call Martin on 07792 007557. 

They can be collected free of charge from North West Kent or shipped at cost.


Miscellaneous Steamboat Related Items

from David Strong (Updated)

8th August 2024

All items are offered on the basis of free collection or shipping at cost which will vary as the number of items varies.

1.   Every Funnel since the beginning of time (i.e. No1 onwards) – £30

Collection is free but shipping will be at cost.

Tel: 07787551000

Email: dstrong at hotmail dot co dot uk

2.  Two x heavy brass handrails for boiler top or cabin side or elsewhere. - £20

Collection is free but shipping will be at cost.

Tel: 07787551000

Email: dstrong at hotmail dot co dot uk

3. Thirty Globe steam valves mostly PN32 some PN 25 & PN20

1 x 1¼” £6

2 x 1” £6 each

7 x ¾”, £6 each or £30 the lot

5 x ½”, £6 each or £20 the lot

5 x 3/8”, £6 each or £20 the lot

6 x ¼” £6 each of £30 the lot

4 x odd valves £10 the lot

Collection is free but shipping will be at cost.

See end of advert for more globe valves.  Details to be added soon.

Tel: 07787551000

Email: dstrong at hotmail dot co dot uk

4.  7 x Gauge cocks (1/4 & 3/8 ) £5 each or £25 the lot

     2 x Try cocks £5 each

Collection is free but shipping will be at cost.

Tel: 07787551000

Email: dstrong at hotmail dot co dot uk

5.  11 Check valves (3/4 to 3/8) £6 each or £45 the lot

       6 x strainers (3/4, ½, 3/8) £6 each or £25 the lot

Collection is free but shipping will be at cost.

Tel: 07787551000

Email: dstrong at hotmail dot co dot uk

6. Four x Model Engineering Steam Injectors 1 x 3/8”, 3 x ¼”, 1 x 1/8” £10 each or £30 for the lot

Plus one ½” Buffalo steam Ejector £30

Collection is free but shipping will be at cost.

Tel: 07787551000

Email: dstrong at hotmail dot co dot uk

7.  Three x safety valves £10 each or £25 the lot.

Collection is free but shipping will be at cost.

Tel: 07787551000

Email: dstrong at hotmail dot co dot uk

8.  Nine x Klinger valves AB10 sleeve packed £6 each or £45 the lot.

Collection is free but shipping will be at cost.

Tel: 07787551000

Email: dstrong at hotmail dot co dot uk