Windermere Rally will be held this year from Sunday 22nd June until Friday 27th June 2025 at the Windermere Motor Boat and Racing Club.
This is just a preliminary notice for those wishing to book accommodation etc. The event will follow similar lines to previous years and details and booking form will be available in the New Year.
All boats attending the Rally must submit a Declaration form, which can be found here. This must be returned to Roger Calvert before the start of the Rally.
Please note the Risk Assessment for the Rally, which can be found here.
Event type 1
Key to event types
1 - SBA Organised Event (owner's declaration required)
2 - SBA organised participation in 3rd party's event (owner's declaration required)
In event types 1 and 2 the SBA organisers and SBA members are covered by the SBA Liability Insurance;
3 - private meeting of members with or without boats
4 - private, individual participation of members in 3rd party's event
5 - for information only