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   The Steamboat Association of Great Britain


Topical notes and archive about the SBA and the world of steamboats

  • 14 Mar 2024 19:49 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    There are some slightly adjusted draft accounts now on the website on the Events page/2024 AGM

  • 01 Mar 2024 23:32 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    A request below from the organiser of the Thames Traditional Rally. Registration for this event is on the Events Page of the Website.

    "Dear SBA member

    Despite being outnumbered by other groups at the Thames Traditional Boat Festival, SBA members have never failed to show some truly stunning entries that add so much to the waterside scene.

    While we have no difficulty filling all the space at our disposal usefully before the closing date, it would be wonderful to see more SBA members attend. Along with punts, steam craft entries have now been very low for some time.

    Our website may be found at:

    I would be happy to personally answer any questions that you may have:

    With all best wishes"

  • 23 Feb 2024 15:07 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    If you log in to the members' side of our website and go to Events, you will find the AGM as the first event and links to the most of the AGM documentation are there along with the Zoom log in. A link to the online voting will follow soon.

    We will also send out an email to members with all of this information.

  • 14 Dec 2023 09:24 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    See all the latest news by going to their website or using the url link below:

  • 03 Dec 2023 10:07 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Reserve the dates in your diary! We are planning a steam weekend with the Exeter Canal & Quay Trust. Further details to follow as soon as available. If you would like to express interest, email

  • 09 Nov 2023 15:37 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Go to the IWA website ( using the link below to learn about progress with the IWA's campaign to ensure funding for Britain's waterways. 

  • 19 Oct 2023 15:36 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Julian Garratt, has informed SBAS that he wishes to resign his post as Chairman of the Company and as a Member of the Company. This request has been accepted by the Management team and Directors of the Company.

    The Directors and Management Team recorded their considerable thanks and appreciation for Julian's work for the SBAS over many years, both as Chairman and as Boiler Design Library Librarian.

    Furthermore, the company is please to announce that Nigel Thomson has agreed to stand (and was subsequently elected) as the new Chair for SBA Services Limited, and as a Director of the Company.

    Lastly, it has come to our attention that people may not be aware that SBAS no-longer sells the CD of the Boiler Design Library, but has instead provided all this information free of charge (including new boilers designed by John King) via it's web pages on the SBA Site. Please review these as they also include castings and drawings of engines and hulls for sale.

    ·        Boiler Inspection and Testing Services 

    ·        Boiler Design Library

    ·        Hull Drawing Library

    ·        Castings for steamboats

    ·        Castings and drawings for steam engines

  • 04 Aug 2023 08:58 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    See set out below an important message received from the Inland Waterways Association. This campaign and the petition are backed by the committee of the SBA.

    Note: Here is the link to the petition - 

    Copy this link into your browser or go to the IWA website to find the link there under 'Fund Britain's Waterways'.

    "Please sign our petition calling on prime minister Rishi Sunak to guarantee future funding of the entire 5000-mile network of canals and navigable rivers.

    Our campaigning coalition Fund Britain’s Waterways aims to deliver hundreds of thousands of signatures to 10 Downing Street this Autumn.

    There’s so much at stake. Please add your name and help us by circulating widely to your networks.

    More than 8.5 million people (nearly 15% of the population) live on or within 1km of the waterways, and half of us live within 5km. In urban areas, the percentage is often much higher with many urban waterways running through heavily populated areas of deprivation and diversity, often with higher rates of ill-health and unemployment. Add to those figures the additional 10 million people who access the waterways for business, leisure, wellness or commuting, and it’s clear that open, accessible and well-maintained waterways are vital for us all, and for Britain’s economy, ecology and wellbeing.

    Let me stress – this isn’t just about boaters, nor is it solely in response to the Canal & River Trust grant settlement. Inland Waterways Association and the Fund Britain’s Waterways campaign is for much more.

    5,000 miles of navigable waterways across England, Scotland and Wales form a vast national infrastructure network.

    Collectively they provide hugely important benefits to people, the environment and local communities, while also contributing significantly to the economy.

    Our canals and rivers create jobs and bring financial benefits through tourism and leisure.

    They offer opportunities to mitigate flooding, transfer drinking water and provide habitat corridors for wildlife and biodiversity.

    They can also contribute to the improved health and wellbeing of the whole population.

    These benefits can only be realised if they are well maintained and looked after.

    We’re concerned not only about Canal & River Trust’s 2,000 miles but also the stretches managed by the Environment Agency, Broads Authority, Scottish Canals and other navigation authorities.

    Most of all, we’re fighting for the millions of people like you who rely on canals and rivers for housing, work, education, commuting, and leisure along with our mental and physical health and social connection.

    Please sign our petition and spread the word far and wide.

    Thank you."


  • 12 Jul 2023 08:18 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    IWA Press Release following government announcement on funding - 

  • 28 Jun 2023 14:04 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The Inland Waterways Association has, with others, founded the "Fund Britain's Waterways Action Group". See more details on their website: -

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